lab members

Who’s who in the Weisberg lab

Alexandra Weisberg

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. I am interested in the role of mobile genetic elements in plant-microbe evolution. We work to understand how plants and microbes interact, as well as the role of mobile genetic elements in these symbioses. We use genomics, molecular biology, and computational methods to study populations of microbial pathogens and characterize their evolution, how pathogens spread in agricultural systems, and how new pathogen lineages emerge.


Dr. Arafat Rahman

I am a postdoctoral scholar in the Weisberg lab.

Dr. Alex Zaccaron

I am a postdoctoral scholar in the Weisberg and LeBoldus labs.

Undergraduate students

Andrea Schiffer

I am a second year undergraduate pursuing a Honors Bachelor of Science in Biological Data Sciences. When I am not in the lab, I love exploring the outdoors looking for birds and plants around the Puget Sound area.

Sarah Hoekema

I am a first year undergraduate pursuing a degree in Biological Data Sciences.

Sydney Thompson

 I am a third year undergraduate majoring in Biological Data Sciences.

Former lab members:

Jewell M. Jung (undergraduate researcher)